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Teens need a PR makeover.

From the frequent “just wait until they are a teenager” remarks to the terrifying headlines on articles, teens are often talked about in negative terms. They are called lazy, rebellious, and selfish. Articles, blogs, and social media posts talk about this generation being more anxious and depressed than previous generations.

All of this can make parents feel anxious about their children moving into the teen years. However, there is a lot you can do to change the negativity and become a more confident parent. You can learn new communication techniques, figure out how to tackle difficult subjects, improve the way you set boundaries, and feel closer to your teen.

Want to have a happier, healthier relationship with your teen?

Or join her Facebook group, Raising Inspired Teens!

The Vision

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If we don’t like how we are feeling, we can change the way we are thinking!

In a few short years, your teen will move from childhood to adulthood. Their body, brain, and even personality will change rapidly over just a few short years. The way you think about these years WILL affect how you feel about your teen as they navigate them.

Raising your teen can be fun, exhilarating, and exciting. Teens are knowledgeable, creative, and energetic. There is so much you can learn from your teenager! With some personal evaluation, help from experts and friends, valuable resources, and important knowledge, you can do a better job leading, inspiring, and connecting with your teenager.

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How Can I Help?

Parenting teens is tough. Here are some ways I can help you become a better parent to your teen:

  1. Join my free Facebook group, Raising Inspired Teens. It has lots of great information, as well as some amazing parents you can connect with.

  2. I have a new course called Teens and Screens: Parenting with Hope in a Digital Age. Learn more here.

  3. Check out my life coaching options. Life coaching is a great way to talk through your emotions, untangle your thoughts, work through problems and concerns, and get some one-on-one help. Even one or two sessions can make a big difference! Click here to book a free consultation.

  4. Send me an email at I am happy to email back and forth and help you come up with some things to try. You can also check out my blog.

  5. If you are a YM/YW leader in the LDS church, check out the amazing activities I have put together.

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Want even more support?

Inside my member area, The Inspired Teen Classroom, here on my website, you will find my new course Teens and Screens: Parenting with Hope in a Digital Age! I am also creating an amazing Parent Teen Night Portal with short videos, PDFs, activities, and other fun things you can do with your teen one evening a week. It is available now and I will add content regularly. I am adding a lot of new content I am filming as well, both for parents and for parents to watch with their teens. Come join us!

The Inspired Teen Classroom
Every year